Marketing Mix Affecting Development of The Construction Business Service in Wang-noi District, Phranakorn Sri Ayutthaya Province
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) levels of marketing mix and service development 2) to compare service development, classified by personal factors, and 3) to presents relationship of marketing mix and service development. The research employs quantitative method by using a close-ended questionnaire for survey research. Data were collected from 398 persons who using the service in the construction business service in Wang-noi district, Phranakorn Sri Ayutthaya province, under the concepted of Taro Yamane (1973) by non-probability sampling and purposive sampling. The research was conceptualized to analyze the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, LSD, and Pearson’s correlation by using a statistic software
The research finding revealed that 1) Overall the level of marketing mix and service development were at the high level with an average value of 3.53 and 3.49, and standard deviation was .56 and .45. 2) Personal factors different by education, incomes, and status have an influenced in the development of the construction business service at the statistically significant level of .05, and 3) overall 7 elements of factors marketing mix have an effect on the construction business service in Wang-noi district, Phranakorn Sri Ayutthaya province at the statistically significant level of .01
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