A Rainfall Record A Body of Hydrographical Knowledge from the Reigns of King Rama IV and King Rama V

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ปรีดี พิศภูมิวิถี


This rainfall record was compiled by the Supreme Patriarch Krom Pra Pavares Variyalongkong, abbot of Wat Bowornnivet Viharn, who lived from 1809 to 1892 and was the 8th Supreme Patriarch of Thailand between 1851-1892. He was a student of King Rama IV during the time His Majesty was a monk, as a result, his thinking was ahead of his time and more scientific. His rainfall record for the reigns of King Rama IV and Rama V recorded the amount of rainfall on each day in each month for a period of 45 years from 1855 to 1890, and is recognized as Thailand’s earliest and longest record of rainfall. The work meets international standards, for the amounts of rainfall were recorded in centimeters. Additionally, it describes “unusually heavy rainfalls” and other natural phenomena, such as floods, flows of red silt laden water, eclipses, and famines in various places. and events of historical significance in Siam, such as the reception of white elephants and outbreaks of epidemic diseases. Therefore, this record is considered a significant historical record reporting changes in the weather and in Thai society in the reigns of King Rama IV and King Rama V.

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