การพัฒนาระบบการเรียนแบบภควันตภาพในกิจกรรมเสริมหลักสูตรด้านดนตรีไทยสำหรับนิสิตปริญญาตรี มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์

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อภินันท์ จุลดิษฐ์


The objectives of this research were: 1. to develop the ubiquitous learning system in Thai classical music extracurricular for undergraduate students of Kasetsart University; 2. to test the efficiency of the system; 3. to compare the score between pre-test and post-test on learning by the system; 4. to study student’s satisfaction toward the system; and 5. to assess and certify the system from experts.

This research used a Research and development a approach was used in Thai study. The participants population was the sample were 1. 10 educational technology and Thai classical music specialists; 2. 40 undergraduate students of Kasetsart University totally participating within extracurricular learning system in strengthen ability (moral and ethical development) using cluster random sampling technique. The research instruments included: (1) the system prototype, (2) pre-test and post-test, (3) basic Gong skill evaluation form, (4) student’s satisfaction questionnaire, and (5) the ubiquitous learning system in Thai classical music extracurricular evaluation form by experts. The data were analyzed by using percentage, means, Standard Deviation, E1/E2 and t-test.
Major findings:
1. The ubiquitous learning system in Thai classical music extracurricular for undergraduate students of Kasetsart University comprises: 1) Context 2) Input 3) Process; (1) Readiness Establishment (2) Demonstration and Practice (3) Presentation (4) Production (5) Assessment 4) Result and 5) Feedback for System Revision
2. The efficiency of the ubiquitous extracurricular learning system was E1/E2 = 82.24/82.50 which meets the criterion set 80/80.
3. The post-test score was higher than pre-test at .01 level significant.
4. The student’s satisfaction toward the ubiquitous extracurricular learning system was at the highest level.
5. The ubiquitous learning system in Thai classical music extracurricular evaluation by the experts was highly appropriate

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