Creation of Music for Developing Chakhe Playing Skills from I-san Folk Music
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The current study was designed in the qualitative approach. Creation in Thai traditional musical arts was employed as the main methodology of the study. The purposes of the study were to create songs for practicing basic Chakhe, a Thai traditional strumming music instrument, from 5 North Eastern Thailand (Isan) traditional compositions and to develop and evaluate practicing exercises for the instrument.
The study indicated the following results. Phase 1 focused on creation of songs used in Chakhe practicing using in Thai traditional musical arts as the main methodology. The creation was integrated with the standard Thai traditional music instruction level 1-6 including 5 Isan traditional songs such as 1) Chakhe Klongyaw 2) Lumplern Chakhe 3) Chakhe Sanair 4) Soeng Chakhe and 5) Teoy Chekhe were chosen. The songs were not complicated in melodic plays and tempos. The songs were played in the Pentatonic Scale which was close to A minor scale. Phase 2 focused on developing and evaluating practicing exercises included 5 sets of 4 exercises in 20 exercises in total. The principles of the practicing exercises were related to standard Thai traditional music instruction level 1-6. The effectiveness of t he developed practicing exercises was found at 71.92/76.04 reaching the set criteria of
The study provided a model for regional music instruction for traditional Thai music which is one of the strength and unique characteristics of local music culture. Adopting of songs that are familiar to learners to the instruction was one of the effective ways to familiarize learners to local cultures and traditions.
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