The Recitation of Kumara Kanda through Bot Lae Thet Mahachat and Faith Building through Emotions

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ทศพล ศรีพุ่ม


This article aims to study the recitation of Kumara Kanda in Vessantara Jataka through Bot Lae Thet Mahachat (Mahachat recitative texts) in contemporary Thai society. It collects 20 recordings from digital sources and from 10 field surveys in Bangkok during 2016-2019. The result shows that the reciting duration of Kumara Kanda has been reduced and that the occasion of the ceremony and the audience have significantly changed. These changes result in the recitation of Kumara Kanda. The monk reciters chose some popular episodes from Rai Yao Maha Vessandon Chadok, a standard text composed in Rai for Thet Mahachat recitation, and  'Lae Nork', oral texts composed in Klon, to narrate major scenes of Kumara Kanda, i.e. the donation of Jali and Kanha and the separation and lamentation of Vessantara, Maddi, Jali and Kanha. The recitation is elaborated with several literary techniques including the omission and addition of detail, the use of alliteration and word play, and the use of poetic expressions. These literary techniques are coupled with special melodies to create unity in the narration, invoke vivid imageries, and highlight memorable traits of characters and scenes in the audience’s mind. This interplay empowers the transmission of the strenuous Buddhist concept of the perfection of generosity through aesthetic emotions. It also inspires faith in the audience and motivate them to make donation, hence accomplishing the goal of the ritual in the changing context of Thai society.

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Research Articles, Academic Articles and Theses


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