A Mobile Learning Instructional Model Using the Brain-based Learning and Phonics Methods to Enhance English Pronunciation

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สืบวงศ์ ชื่นสมบัติ
Sasichaai Tanamai
Parichart Phootirat


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the mobile learning instructional model using the brain-based learning and phonics methods, and 2) verify the mobile learning instructional model using the brain-based learning and phonics methods. The sample was nine experts assembled using purposive selection. Their qualifications were at least three years’ experience in designing mobile learning programs and brain-based learning programs and in teaching the phonics method or English pronunciation. The collected data were analyzed using mean, percentage, and standard deviation.

The research revealed the following findings: 1) the mobile learning instructional model using the brain-based learning and phonics methods consisted of six elements and three processes. The six elements were mobile technology, learners, facilitator, brain-based learning, phonics method and English pronunciation assessment and the three processes were pre-instruction, instruction, and post-instruction, and 2) the mobile learning i nstructional model using the brain-based learning and phonics methods (BBLP Model) was certified by the experts, who rated the learning instructional model highly suitable (x̅ = 4.80, S.D. = 0.43).

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