Forensic Science in the Detective Novels Ka-hon-ma-ho-ra-tuek and the Da Vinci Code

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The research titled ‘Forensic Science in Kahon Mahoratuek and The Da Vinci Code’ aims to analyze the novels Kahon Mahoratuek written by Prap and The Da Vinci Code written by Dan Brown respectively. The purposes of this analysis are to examine the main features of detective fiction found in Kahon Mahoratuek and the Da Vinci Code, as well as to investigate how the knowledge of forensic science applies to the writing of Kahon Mahoratuek and the Da Vinci Code.

The analysis reveals that the main features of these two novels correspond to a detective genre of writing as the stories begin from a crime scene. Detectives have discovered and followed murder clues to solve the mystery and find the murderers in the final episodes. However, details of these two novels are different. While Kahon Mahoratuek depicts five serial killings linked by a tattoo found on each victim, The Da Vinci Code portrays that a murder motive lies in desire to possess a family’s and a Christian sect’s secret code. In pursuit of this secret code, it has led to three more murders of involved people. Moreover, the authors’ applications of forensic science knowledge were found in 1) a crime scene investigation, 2) a body investigation for identifying a cause of death, 3) a death investigation, and 4) a motive investigation. The author of Kahon Mahoratuek added a brief historical detail for the reader’s background, whereas the Da Vinci Code’s author provided detailed explanations of each setting in his novel, particularly of the faith in a different sect of Christianity. This inspires some readers to further investigate since they believe that it is a true story. Forensic science knowledge applies to investigations of causes of death or autopsies. It also applies to investigations of witnesses and motives for the murders. Further recommendation from this analysis is that a study on characters of police officers could be conducted to shed some more light on the development of forensic knowledge applications in other novels composing.

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Research Articles, Academic Articles and Theses


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