The Meanings of /mɛ̂ː/ ‘Mother’ in Southern Thai Compounds

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พิมพ์ภัทร ชุมแก้ว
Vipas Pothipath


This paper aims to examine the different meanings of /mɛ̂ː/ ‘mother’ in Southern Thai compounds and investigate the relationship between those meanings. The data was compiled from 4 Dictionaries and interviews with 6 informants who are Southern Thai native speakers. The results show that in 180 Southern Thai compounds the word /mɛ̂ː/ 'mother' has 23 meanings which can be categorized close meaning together into 12 groups. When investigating the relationship between meanings, there is one basic meaning of ‘a woman who has given birth to a child’ and 22 extended meanings which can be classified into 2 types, (1) meanings that are extensions of the basic meaning and (2) meanings that are extensions of the extended meanings that more close to the basic meaning. Compared to the meaning of /mɛ̂ː/ in the base word, the meaning of /mɛ̂ː/ ‘mother’ in compounds are more numerous and varied, with the meaning in compounds extending or highlighting the connotation of the base word through cognitive progress that occurs in compounds.

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Research Articles, Academic Articles and Theses


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