Assessing the Potential of Tourism Products by the Tai Lue Community in Nan Province: Perspectives of Local Leaders

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Khunyarin Chaijan


            This research aims to 1) conduct a survey on Tai Lue community tourism; and 2) assess tourism product potential in Pua and Tha Wang Pha Districts, with the highest population density of Tai Lue people in Nan Province. Qualitative research was done. Samples were village headmen in Pua and Tha Wang Pha Districts obtained by random selection. Research tools included semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed and synthesized by qualitative research principles and using content analysis. The goal was to formulate guidelines to develop tourism activities.

            Results were that developing community tourism products was important, with community attractions valued by community lifestyles. Unique tourism areas offering community attractions possess historical, traditional, and cultural values, with higher safety from natural disasters and lower crime statistics than externally-based tourism businesses involved in meeting the needs of tourists, including accommodations (hotels, home stays) and souvenir shops. Communications resources should be developed to inform potential tourists about news and activities. Community tourism attractions should focus on search options for tourist information from maps/online travel routes (Google Maps) and Google ( Among suitable community features to be future focuses for tourism attractions are festivals, livelihoods, arts and cultural centers, local memory preservation efforts, and indigenous woven products of the Tai Lue community. In evaluating tourism attractiveness potential/attraction value, emphasis was placed on tourist attractions that enhance local community income, especially unique and distinctive areas. Potential for tourism development, focusing on tourist attractions, and community tourist sites of communications systems (telephone/internet) in all areas should be studied, including different types of requirements to meet needs and standards. The potential for tourism development, emphasizing community participation in tourism management, will thereby support tourism activity development with the governmental and private sectors at provincial levels.

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