Marketing Strategies for Effective Exhibition Floorplan Management

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Suhbpong Smithtun
Kaedsiri Jaroenvisan


             This qualitative research applied a phenomenological approach with the objectives to 1) study exhibition floorplan management from Thai exhibition organizers’ perspectives and 2) study marketing strategies that could be applied to make exhibition floorplan management more effective. Data were collected from observation of previous exhibitions in Bangkok during July-September 2020, notetaking, interviews with 12 leading exhibition organizers, and a focus group of nine experts in marketing and exhibition project management from three different perspectives. They were perspectives of exhibition organizers towards their organizations, exhibition organizers' perspectives towards their exhibitors, and exhibition organizers' perspectives towards their visitors. The result showed four aspects of effectiveness for exhibition floorplan management. First, exhibition halls need to be easily accessible with the right size, necessary house facilities, and layout flexibility. Secondly, booth layout has to be dominant, neat, worth the values, fair and conducive to upselling. Next, visitors should be able to navigate the halls easily with the help of sufficient directional signages, product profiles, and information on attractions.  Finally, clients are categorized into groups to offer privileges and special services.

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Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Science & Business Media.