Capturing the Lessons Learned from Music for the Elderly Health Promotion: asame A Case Study of Pattana Sukk
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This research aims to capture the lessons learned from music for the elderly health promotion through a case study of Pattana Sukkasame. The research method was interviewing and observing four informant groups assigned by purposive sampling. These 211 informants are 1) Pattana Sukkasame, 2) eight conductors who have been trained by Pattana Sukkasame, 3) two hundred elderly people who attend music activities, and 4) two people who have been involved in the research project. The results of this research can be used by related organizations to create policies and guidelines for music for the elderly health promotion in Thailand.
The results show that 1) the Phayao Honghein Poosoong-ayoo (PHP), the school for the elderly, is only a symbolic name that does not represent an actual physical school site. The ‘school’ objective is to promote mental and physical health, and good living in society with value, honor, and happiness for the elderly; 2) the lessons learned from Pattana Sukkasame's music activities can be explained by using Professor Dr. Elizabeth Steiner's educational theory in the following ways: 1) the teacher is a conductor who must appreciate music and people; 2) students or the elderly are not required to have music background, and having interest in music is enough to join the class; 3) the curriculum focuses on the elderly health promotion, i.e.promoting emotional and social well-being, as well as memory. The three basic principles used for teaching are Kodaly's hand signs, Dusdi Paribatra Na Ayudhya’s music teaching concepts and health promotion awareness; and 4) the activities are based on the learning by doing approach that are related to the elderly's needs and interests. Authentic assessment has been used in observation of angklung playing skills, class participation and happiness.
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