The Development of a Board Game to Enhance the Classroom Management Learning of Students in the Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University

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Manasanan Hatthasak
Ratchakorn Wetworanan


            This article reports on a three-phase research and development study. The first phase aimed to identify the needs to enhance the classroom management learning of students in the Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University. The sample comprised students in the second semester of the academic year 2019 selected through a simple random sampling method and three groups of interviewees, namely teacher profession course lecturers, students, and basic education school teachers, selected through a purposive sampling method. The former completed a survey questionnaire, while the latter responded to interview questions. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the priority needs index. It was found that the PNImodified was in the range of 0.231 to 0.301 with the highest value standing at 0.301 for the factors relating to lecturers. Also, the interview results revealed agreement between the three groups in their perceptions of the management of classroom experience for the students in terms of their preparedness, confidence, and ability to apply learning content to real-life situations prior to their professional internships.

            The second phase of the study aimed to design and develop a board game to enhance the classroom management learning of students in the Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University. The sample comprised 40 purposively selected students in the academic year 2020.

            The research instruments were a classroom management board game prototype and a board game improvement questionnaire. The findings showed that the board game was trialed and improved four times to ensure that the design fulfilled the research objectives and that it enabled the players (students) to develop classroom management understanding and knowledge.

            The objective of the final phase was to examine the effects of the board game application on the classroom management learning of students in the Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University. The sample comprised 15 purposively selected students. The research instruments were the classroom management board game and a board game satisfaction survey questionnaire. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Overall, the students were highly satisfied with the board game (X=4.33, S.D.=0.723). When the satisfaction criteria were analyzed individually, the ones receiving the highest ratings were the role of the board game in promoting classroom learning (X=4.66, S.D.=0.487), followed by the role of the board game in promoting student interaction (X=4.533, S.D.=0.516).

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