Creating Musical Activities for the Elderly: A Case Study of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center
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This study aims at creating musical activity plans for the elderly and investigating their reactions after attending the activities. The participants were 33 elderly outpatients aged over 60 years of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center (MSMC) recruited through advertisement. The research tool comprised 8 musical activity plans, a 40 item general health questionnaire, and a 10 question semi-structured interview.
In the study, 8 60-minute musical activity plans with a simple start such as listening to music, clapping with rhythms, using signs for rhythms in a 4/4 time signature, and performing simple body percussions, followed by the use of percussion instruments such as resistance bands, egg shakers for clapping, handbells, body percussions, and cup songs with a moderate and fast tempo, were used. The activities lasted 8 weeks, and discussions were intermittently held to collect the participants’ feedback and recommendations that were then considered to improve the following weeks. Overall, the participants were satisfied, amused, well-entertained, relaxed, refreshed, befriended, and unstressed, resulting in positivity and equanimity. Among the activities, it was found that the handbell was the most favorable instrument.
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