Mitigating Expressions in Thai Discourse
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Mitigation plays a very important role in communication because it enhances the reduction of negative effects which utterances have on speakers and hearers (Fraser, 1980). Previous studies suggest that mitigation has been examined in several languages; however, little has been investigated in Thai. Accordingly, this paper aims at investigating mitigating expressions in Thai. The data consists of 4 types of discourse: task-based conversations, interactions in academic seminar, academic articles, and opinion articles. The notion of mitigation is adopted as an analytical framework. The results reveal that there are 8 types of mitigating expressions used by Thai speakers, namely 1) epistemic expressions, 2) non-specific remarks, 3) parenthetical verbs, 4) question forms used for proposing opinions, 5) defensive expressions, 6) hypothetical remarks, 7) disclaimers, and 8) hesitant remarks. The most preferred mitigating expression is epistemic expressions. This linguistic behavior seems to be related to Thai norms which give precedence to humility and interpersonal relations. In addition, the result also shows that Thai speakers usually adopt only one form of mitigating remarks. It is hypothesized that this might be because using only one mitigating remark is enough to reduce negative effects of utterances in Thai. On the contrary, using a few mitigating remarks together might reduce the reliability of the speaker’s utterances.
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