The Need of Innovation and Communication Model of Innovation-Decision Process of Older People in Digital Citizenship Skill Improvement in Information Technology (IT) Security

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Chawaporn Dhamanitayakul
Kanyarat Sriwisarthiyakun


          The objectives of the study are 1) to study online media behavior of older adults, 2) to study their needs of innovation for digital citizenship skill improvement in Information Technology (IT) security, and 3) to develop communication model of Innovation-decision process of older adults in digital citizenship skill improvement in Information Technology (IT) security. The data were collected by focus group discussion with 8 samples of older adults continuously using online media and in-depth interviews with 12 bedridden older adults with the same condition from 6 regions. The collected data were used as a guideline to develop communication model of innovation-decision process of older adults in digital citizenship skill improvement in IT security. The developed communication model of innovation-decision process was later evaluated by 5 experts.

          The result shows that Line application is the most used social media among the target samples under the purpose of family and friend connection, information exchange and research for healthcare, medical treatment, and news checking. Their need of innovation for digital citizenship skill improvement is for ICT capacity building and making the most use of it. The communication model of innovation-decision process proposes personalized communication, interacting with chatbot in Line application, plus direct communication with human to persuade older adults in realizing the advantages of IT and confirm it for lifelong learning. According to the evaluation result, the experts highly agreed with this communication model of innovation-decision process. It can be applied as the guidelines of innovation development for the digital citizenship skill improvement as well as help in promoting digital citizenship skills in IT security among the older adults.

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