The Effectiveness of Consciousness-Raising Tasks in Teaching and Learning Phrases and Clauses of L2 Learners at Tertiary Level
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This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Consciousness-Raising (CR) tasks in teaching and learning phrases and clauses of L2 learners at tertiary level. The concept of CR refers to the method of teaching grammar-phrases and clauses, which helps students to gain knowledge of specific grammatical features through language data provided and then formulate the grammatical rules by themselves. The participants consisted of two groups of forty-five students who enrolled in a fundamental English structure course. They were divided into two groups according to their section of enrollment. One group of forty-five students was a control group which was taught by the Grammar-Translation Method (GTM). Another group of forty-five students was an experimental group which was taught by CR tasks based on the three techniques of Reconstruction, Classification, and Identification. Both groups were taught by the researcher. A pre-test, a quiz, and a post-test were used to collect data. After the treatment, students in both groups were given a questionnaire adapted from the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) developed by Gardner (1985a) to find out their attitude towards learning phrases and clauses, motivational intensity in terms of affective reactions and work done for classroom assignments, and impression about the phrases and clauses class. The results showed CR tasks had a significant effect in learning phrases and clauses. And also, by answering the questionnaire, students in the experimental group had positive attitude, high motivational intensity, and good impression towards CR tasks. It was hoped that the findings of this study would be useful to teachers of English, especially those who teach English grammar, to find the most suitable ways to teach grammar to Thai students in their classes.
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