The Development of Lexical Database from Maritime Transportation Corpus Based on An Ontology Approach
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This paper aims to present a method for analyzing data about maritime transportation to develop lexical database based on an ontology approach. The method of this research started by selecting 1,286 words from electronic and printed documents related to maritime transportation. The methodology runs by three linguistic processes. The first process is compound noun and noun phrase analysis based on the data from the vocabulary list. The second process is keywords analysis that linked terms in the context with semantic relationship. The last process is data linking to create ontology by using hierarchical concept relations. The results of data analysis found that there are eight conceptual categories, including cargoes, containers, cranes, vessels, ports, documents, routes and organizations related to maritime transportation. In the category of vision, the maritime transportation related “organizations,” found the most subconsciously with 19 sub-concepts, and the category of “containers” had the least number of subconsciously with two sub-concepts out of 605 sub-concepts. Finally, to create a maritime transportation ontology, it was found that up to six hierarchies of conceptual data could be linked.
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