Phra That Choeng Chum: Legends and Roles that Influence the Way of Life of Sakon Nakhon People

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Surachai Chinnabutr


          This research article aims to collect legends related to Phra That Choeng Chum and to study the roles of Phra That Choeng Chum in the way of life of people in Sakon Nakhon Province by collecting information from the stories of the villagers, which are oral information and written documents, and analyzing the data according to the conceptual framework of folklore.

          The results suggest that the history of Phra That Choeng Chum can be divided into 2 types: one recorded in stories and legends and one recorded in historical documents. The first type includes myths or legends such as the legend of Mae Ka Phueak, the legend of Sakon Nakhon, Uranggadhat (the legend of Phra That Phanom), ruined city’s legend, the legend of Rice, and the legend of Naga. The second type includes historical documents written in the early Rattanakosin period. These are further pieces of evidence used to explain the history of Sakon Nakhon province, especially during the reign of King Rama III of Rattanakosin, which is regarded as the era of the unraveling of the history of the province in Nong Han Basin. The main roles of Phra That Choeng Chum towards the people of Sakon Nakhon province are the role of conveying local stories, the role of creating local identity and beliefs, and the role of affirming faith and rituals in social organization.

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