Representation of the Africans and Racism: Appropriation and Negotiation with Colonialism in the Translated Novel Sao Song Phan Pee by Khru Liam

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Faris Yothasamuth


                  This research article examines the translation of the novel She of Henry Rider Haggard into Thai as Sao Song Phan Pee by Nok Nori or Khru Liam using a postcolonial framework. The research finds that in translating the novel She, Khru Liam evidently preserved and enhanced the negative representation of the Africans according to the imperial romance’s conventions of the original. This representation manifests racist thought which emphasizes the superiority of the European as asserted by imperial discourses. This racist idea resonates with the racial discourse which some Thai writers during the late period of Rama V’s era to the early period of Rama VI’s era expressed, and shows that anti-African racism was prevalent among some Thais during that period. Through a postcolonial lens, it can be interpreted that Khru Liam appropriated the imperial discourse to create the sense of racial superiority by fabricating the Africans as inferior to Thai. Furthermore, the translation of Khru Liam shows that the text opens an opportunity to subvert the dominating power of the colonial West by suggesting the degeneration of the empire and injecting the Buddhist values into the text for the sake of negotiation between Thainess and Otherness.

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