การพัฒนาแหล่งท่องเที่ยวและปรับปรุงภูมิทัศน์ภูป่าเปาะ จังหวัดเลย, Tourism Development and Landscape Improvement in Phu Pa Poa, Loei Province

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ชนิธิกาญจน์ จีนใจตรง
วรากุล ตันทนะเทวินทร์
วราพรรณ ผลโพธิ์



        This article is a Participatory Action Research (PAR). It is a part of strategic plans with respect to the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA). Strategies and action plans are set by
a local community participatory in tourism development in each area. This article aims to study the potential of tourist attraction, and formulate a master plan for landscape improvement through community participation in Phu Pa Poa, Loei province. It also aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of community participation in the design process, thus setting up a model for the local community to develop and solve problems systematically in tourism development. There are the field surveys, observation, interviews and workshops conducted with the community to brainstorm for landscape improvement. The community participated continuously during the design and development processes. Forty study participants are members of the Phu Pa Pao Eco-tourism Club (Community Welfare Organizations) and local tourist services. The results highlighted four spots in this tourist attraction where the beauty of “Fuji of Loei” can be seen. Each spot presents a different scenic view arising from variations in sea level, and natural attributes in the environment. The end objective of the development plan is to divide into areas according to the tourists’ interests, local activities and landscapes. The four spots are (i) Sunset view, (ii) Picnic in colored garden, (iii) Sunrise view, and (iv) 360 degrees viewpoint. These guidelines for tourism development will lend focus to solve the problems around improving areas for tourists and landscapes. In addition, this will set a good example for other communities to develop solutions and solve problems independently in the future.

Keywords: Tourism Development, Landscape, Community Participation, Phu Pa Poa

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How to Cite
จีนใจตรง ช., ตันทนะเทวินทร์ ว., & ผลโพธิ์ ว. (2018). การพัฒนาแหล่งท่องเที่ยวและปรับปรุงภูมิทัศน์ภูป่าเปาะ จังหวัดเลย, Tourism Development and Landscape Improvement in Phu Pa Poa, Loei Province. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 26(1), 74–91. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/archkmitl/article/view/132545
Research Articles


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