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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • 1) The article must not have been previously published anywhere (both domestically and internationally). If it has been published before, written permission to reprint from the copyright holder is required.
  • 2) The article must not be under consideration by another publication.
  • 3) The article must not violate the copyright of others.
  • 4) All submitted articles will be evaluated and reviewed by no fewer than 3 qualified persons with expertise in that field. The reviewers will not be aware of the author's name and affiliation (Double Blind).
  • 5) The article presents new knowledge in the academic field, such as from research results/study results, research methods/study methods, data collection methods, or analysis methods.
  • 6) The article explains the key concepts, principles, or specific theories that are sufficient to create a framework for variables or factors related to research or study.
  • 7) The article describes the research methodology (research articles) covering the scope of research, population, sample group, selection of number and size, research methods, research instruments, data collection methods, or study methods (academic articles) covering the format and methods, scope of study, specific characteristics of the samples studied, instruments and equipment used in the study, data collection, and data analysis.
  • 8) The submitted manuscript must have good quality writing and editing in Thai and/or English. It must have a system for organizing headings, content, concise and clear, easy to understand, with correct grammar and spelling.
  • 9) The article formatting is correct according to the automatic format and guidelines for academic article writers.
  • 10) The article should be 10-25 pages long on A4 paper, including illustrations.
  • 11) Thai and English articles use the font TH-Sarabun-PSK.
  • 12) The article adheres to the referencing format in the body of the article and in the reference list at the end of the article from the APA Style Reference List (7th edition).
  • 13) The journal reserves the right to return articles that require improvement in editing quality, Thai and English language, grammar and spelling, topic management and content to be concise and clear, and formatting to be correct before proceeding.
  • 14) Authors are kindly requested to conceal their names or any information that may indicate or identify them in the article, such as self-referencing inserted in the content, references, or acknowledgments.
  • 15) Articles in other formats, apart from the details above, will be considered by the editorial board on a case-by-case basis.

(Instructions for Authors)

1. Types of academic works published in the journal
   1.1  Research Article includes research articles to create new knowledge from formulating hypotheses or identifying problems, specifying objectives, reviewing research, related concepts and theories, conducting research according to methods consistent with objectives, analyzing data, interpreting, discussing and summarizing results.

    1.2  Academic Article includes analytical and critical essays to compile new concepts and knowledge compiled from one's own or others' academic work.

    1.3 Review Article ได้แก่ includes articles that compile knowledge from new textbooks, books and journals, or from the author's work and experience, by compiling, analyzing, synthesizing, criticizing, and comparing them.

2. Content of the article
  Consists of
    2.1  Title
          Corresponds to the purpose, scope or research results, concise, to the point and easy to understand. Begins with the title in Thai followed by English.
    2.2  Author Names and Affiliations (Authors)
          Specify the full names and surnames of all authors, their affiliated institutions or institutes, both in Thai and English.
    2.3  Abstract
          Consists of abstracts in Thai and English, no more than 350 words long, concise and to the point, covering the research objectives, research methods, data collection methods, research tools, population, sample groups or informants and research results (research articles) or covering the objectives of the study, research methods and research results (academic articles).
    2.4  Keywords
          Specify keywords suitable for searching in database systems, both Thai and English, no more than 5 words each.
    2.5  Introduction
          Explain the origin, importance of the problem and the reasons that led to the research or study.
    2.6  Research Aims or Study Aims
          Specify the objectives of the research or study, avoid specifying benefits or expected results.
    2.7  Related Concepts and Theories
          A compilation of in-depth thoughts from reviewing related concepts and theories to create a framework for research or study.

     2.8  Research Methodology or Study Methodology
          It explains the research process that reflects the credibility of the research results. It consists of research design and methods, population, sample and selection, number, size, instruments and equipment used in the research, data collection methods, data analysis, and statistics used (if any). It describes the research process (academic article) consisting of design and methods of study, number, size, specific characteristics of the samples studied, instruments and equipment used in the study, data collection methods, and data analysis.

2.9  Research Results or Study Results
          Interprets the analysis of research results or study results comprehensively and in accordance with the objectives. And points to the creation of knowledge and academic benefits.
2.10  Discussions
          Explains whether the research results or study results are consistent with or contradict existing knowledge or research results of others. Why is it that way? Include references.
2.11  Research Conclusions
          Summarizes the research results or findings according to the research objectives/hypothesis (if any).
2.12  Recommendations
         Offers suggestions on how to utilize the research results or findings or proposes questions as a guideline for further research or studies.

2.13  Acknowledgements
         Specify the source of funding or research support. Omit any information that reveals the identity and affiliation of the author.

2.14  References

Use the reference format described in the file named "APA Style Reference List (7th edition)" on the journal's website. The author also recommends using the file named "Automatic Format and Instructions for Academic Article Writers" on the journal's website as a guide for writing the paper.