การศึกษารูปแบบเมืองหลายศูนย์กลางเพื่อการพัฒนาระบบขนส่งทางรางอย่างยั่งยืน, A Study on Polycentricity for Sustainable Rail Transit Development

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ภาวิณี เอี่ยมตระกูล
สรารัตน์ ฉายพงษ์
จิรวรรณ คล้ายลี



        This research aims to study the polycentric development model for achieving the policy vision of the sustainable development based on rail transit system. To provide recommendations for the suitable development in response to different urban contexts, this research applied questionnaire-survey, asking experts in sectors of urban planning and policy. The policy was analyzed by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate factors that effect on urban development policy and implementation. To execute the in-depth interviews, the sample selection was done with convenient sampling, and the target group was from 3 groups: 1) government sector, 2) private sector, and 3) academic and institution. Seven expertise are selected as follows: 1) transport, 2) urban planning, 3) environmental organizations, 4) local government agencies, 5) education institutions, 6) private/entrepreneurship, and 7) economic and social. The questionnaires were divided into 2 sets, two-hundred sets for experts who are key persons on decision making process at policy level. Onehundred sets of questionnaires were used to gather data comparing policy making factors (AHP). The results recommend that the key strategic factors, driving policy making direction become an action for urban development, is to promote the urban intensity, maximize benefit of land use, and invest in public rail transportation.In addition, the policy of polycentric development should be in line with directions of mass transportation development system to build the concept of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD). Finally, we need not only good plan and policy for developing rail transit system to build sustainable urban planning but participations and cooperation among public, private, and other relevant sectors are key success for sustainable rail transit development.

Keyword: Rail Transit Development, Polycentricity, Public Participation

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How to Cite
เอี่ยมตระกูล ภ., ฉายพงษ์ ส., & คล้ายลี จ. (2018). การศึกษารูปแบบเมืองหลายศูนย์กลางเพื่อการพัฒนาระบบขนส่งทางรางอย่างยั่งยืน, A Study on Polycentricity for Sustainable Rail Transit Development. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 26(1), 124–136. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/archkmitl/article/view/132621
Research Articles


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