การออกแบบระบบผลิตภัณฑ์ผสานบริการสำหรับสหกรณ์ร้านค้าคณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ สจล., Product Service System Design for Cooperative Store, Faculty of Architecture, KMITL

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ประอรนุช ศิริเดช



        The objectives of this project were: 1) to study the needs and the opinions of students and staffs within the Faculty of Architecture, KMITL, and 2) to design product service systems that satisfy the needs of
the target groups. The research was conducted in preparation for the establishment of a cooperative store, Faculty of Architecture, KMITL. It was integrated into Industrial Design 4 course, Bachelor of Architecture
Program in Industrial Design which was focusing on a study and practice of design based on principle of
product service system, and was conducted with participatory process. The research team observed, interviewed, and discussed with groups of students, teachers and staffs within the Faculty of Architecture and communities members outside of the campus, also made a visit to study different cooperative stores. The research revealed that the target groups lacked an understanding of cooperatives and needed the following: redesigning of brand image of cooperative store, reduction of stationary and daily expenses, availability of wide range of food, additional job for extra income, and working space. The design of the cooperative store started with creating the brand identity, determining the name of the cooperative store, promoting the understanding of cooperatives. Then, cooperative activities based on the principle of product service system which emphasized on designing of interactions or partnerships between different stakeholders to create synergy were planned. Using this design approach, it is expected that the activities would be able to fulfill a particular customer demand, with the aim to achieve sustainability. Three main offerings were proposed: 1) “Stationary” focused on reducing expense and promoting sustainable consumption, consisting of pre-order system, express delivery system, equipment lending and reservation system, and second life system, 2) “Food and Goods” promoted good quality of life, creating additional income, and supporting communities, consisting of ordering and selling food and goods system, student and staff consignment system, and student business development fund system, and 3) “Coworking space” promoted sharing of space, equipments and knowledge, creating inspiration for working, and networking among students within the Faculty of Architecture, consisting of space renting system, events and
activities organizing system.

Keywords: Product Service System Design, Cooperative Store, Faculty of Architecture, KMITL

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How to Cite
ศิริเดช ป. (2018). การออกแบบระบบผลิตภัณฑ์ผสานบริการสำหรับสหกรณ์ร้านค้าคณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ สจล., Product Service System Design for Cooperative Store, Faculty of Architecture, KMITL. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 26(1), 231–244. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/archkmitl/article/view/132791
Research Articles


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