Guidelines for Solid Waste Management by Urban Planning Measures: the Case Studies of Rangsit City Municipality, Bueng Yitho Municipality and Thaklong Municipality, Pathumthani Province

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Waralak Khongouan


The purposes of this research study are to study the situations of solid waste management and people’s opinions towards solid waste management. Moreover, it aims to present the guidelines for solid

waste management with urban planning measures according to people’s needs and the conditions of Rangsit City, Bueng Yitho, and Thaklong municipalities, Pathumthani Province. The research instruments were field surveys (focusing on accumulating the data about solid waste collection, transportation, transformation, and disposal in the three municipalities) and interviews (emphasizing on collecting the data about opinions towards the causes, problems, and guidelines for solid waste management by using the purposive sampling method that selected 5 public organizations and 15 communities). It was found that solid waste management of the three municipalities was responsible by the Municipal Office. Since the amounts of the solid wastes were high and there was no solid waste disposal area. As a result, private companies were hired to manage. Therefore, the public organizations and people considered that collecting and transporting the solid wastes did not cover some areas. Additionally, the rapid urban expansion and solid wastes disposal areas that were usually opposed by communities. So, the increasing amounts of solid wastes would be serious problems in the future. The guidelines for solid waste management with the urban planning measures are as follows: preparing public utility plans and reserving the rights to use lands at municipal solid waste separation stations, improving tax exemption regulations and fees for the communities or establishments supporting solid waste management, adjusting the compensation regulation for people living or having lands near solid waste transportation and separation stations, and preparing the short-term and long-term budget plans for solid waste management of the municipalities.

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How to Cite
Khongouan, W. (2020). Guidelines for Solid Waste Management by Urban Planning Measures: the Case Studies of Rangsit City Municipality, Bueng Yitho Municipality and Thaklong Municipality, Pathumthani Province. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 31(2), 50–65. Retrieved from
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