Industrial Waste Product Design from the Creative Development Project of the Potential Industry: A Case Study of Supervisory District 4 Area

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Inthira Narkwatchara


One of the major problems affecting the environment today is poor waste management in the manufacturing industry, several times greater than household waste. Waste management is subject to several procedures and concerns with many laws and regulations. As a result, waste management needs a higher level of effort to be implemented effectively. In tackling this issue, Thai Ministry of Industry has established the "Creative Development Project of the Potential Industry". The main objective of which is to reuse and recycle, by means of upcycling the manufacturing residue from the production processes in the industries. The critical concept of Upcycling is to use resources efficiently, which have 3Rs as a central idea, consisted of reuse, reduce, and recycle. All of these would be conducted with the help of the four stages of design processes: 1) Conducting surveys and collecting information from the industrial firms 2) Developing a design process 3) Developing and creating prototypes 4) Conducting a showcase. This paper aims to present the information gathered from developing a design process in this project, such as solid waste from them being aesthetically exotic in materials and shapes, compared to household waste. Moreover, the solid waste can also be used to create new products as well. In this project, the researcher had been working closely with environmental scientists and entrepreneurs. Consequently, this helps the researcher a broader perspective in developing a designing work and selecting a workpiece to present. Lastly, presented information and featured pictures in this project are authorized to publish for only academic purposes by the Industrial Promotion Committee Group 1 (Currently under the supervision of Group 2) of Thai Ministry of Industry.

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How to Cite
Narkwatchara, I. (2021). Industrial Waste Product Design from the Creative Development Project of the Potential Industry: A Case Study of Supervisory District 4 Area. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 32(1), 43–56. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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