The effect of Structural Jointing System Using Wood Jointing Assembly Method for Toy Design from the Expert’s Point of View

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Pornthep Lerttevasiri


The objectives of this research are to study and design guideline of structural jointing system using wood jointing assembly method for assembling wooden work pieces instead of nuts or screws. Wood jointing methods of toy manufacturing is applied for future research and development of industrial design and educational purposes. That's the source, invented with the innovative design of a self-locking wood entry system using Medium Density Fiber Board as the main material for research. The research instruments were developed by the Matrix Analysis, Decision Making Matrix. Trade-off analysis methodology using Multivariate Analysis by NAKAYA program on Microsoft Excel, and expert opinion questionnaire which analyzed the data with Paired Comparison Analysis. The findings revealed that: 1) The slot taper joint locking method has the most excellent feature in every aspect. The structure is stable and does not wobbly, the functionality is easy to assemble. The appearance is unique, flexible with number of parts can be adapted to more materials. 2) The Slot clip joint locking method has an important feature in the appearance of the lock that unique, distinctive, look costly and luxury. 3) The Slot halved joints locking method have an important feature in the flexibility with suitable number of parts.

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How to Cite
Lerttevasiri, P. . (2021). The effect of Structural Jointing System Using Wood Jointing Assembly Method for Toy Design from the Expert’s Point of View. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 33(2), 130–144. retrieved from
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