Construction of Underlying Myths of Tourism Inspired by Movies in Entertainment Media

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Chanajai Tonsaithong
Santidhorn Pooripakdee


Tourism industry is essential in Thailand because it brings a great deal of national income. Moreover, tourism inspired by movies has been a recent and continuous phenomenon. This academic article aims to accentuate the importance of travels inspired by films and advertisements of tourist travels inspired by movies in terms of its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges in Thailand. Filming elements that are internationally acknowledged, together with technological advances and innovations in accessing information about tourist attractions are underlying tools in entertainment media to be used for stimulating and motivating media consumers to travel with inspirations from such entertainment media. The research methodology used to conduct this study was documentary research to analyze and synthesize relevant research articles published both domestically and internationally. The results were used to present analysis which portray positive viewpoints towards travel inspired by films while using this opportunity to reduce disadvantages of local tourisms with difficulties that need solutions such as cooperation between government agencies and private sectors, financial support from government agencies, strategies in selecting filming locations, maintenance of filming locations, readiness for handling tourists, communication to portray positive image of filming locations, and financial failure of a film. However, motion pictures are a crucial tool for tie-in advertisements while simultaneously motivating viewers to travel. This will in turn increase the number of tourists with cultural interests and ecological interests along with new groups of tourists.

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How to Cite
Tonsaithong, C., & Pooripakdee, S. . . (2021). Construction of Underlying Myths of Tourism Inspired by Movies in Entertainment Media. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 33(2), 175–187. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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