Product Design from Factory’s Waste in the Central Region by Upcycle Concept: Case Study the Government Inspectorate Area 2

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ptave arrayapharnon


A study of product design from industrial waste materials in the central region by the concept of upcycle: a case study, the government inspectorate 2 aims to 1) survey the waste data from each factory to analyze in terms of material utilization 2) experiment with different techniques of waste processing for applying it in the design process to a product suitable for use 3) design, development and prototyping by upcycle concepts with desirable characteristics in terms of creativity, production and economy by using the study method by interviewing entrepreneurs and exploring various types of waste from factories in the central region government inspectorate area 2, totaling 4 provinces, namely Chainat, Sing Buri, Lop Buri and Ang Thong, totaling 12 factories. Then take a potential of both metal and non-metals of each factory to experiment with different processing with various techniques, including supplementing with other materials, crushing and compacting in a mold heating, the use of binders, stitching, etc., before determining the possible applications of each waste. Then sketch design 2-4 alternatives per factory and then take the selected design to develop before making a prototype for evaluation. By the results of the study can be summed up according to 3 desirable characteristics used as criteria for the performance consideration: 1) production: out of 26 possible materials, the waste and processing techniques were chosen the most: a group of durable, stable waste with unique color, patterns and textures that processing by sewing or riveting accounted for 41.67%, followed by a group of waste with a powder state but there are characteristics of color and texture formed by compression in a mold and sealed with a binder be accounted for 33.33 % and the group of materials was the least chosen because there are no specific characteristics of shape, color and texture, must be developed before use with dyeing or add other materials accounted for 25.00 % 2) creativity: by choosing functions, it was found that 83.33% chose a product that was used for home decoration, followed by 16.67% chose a fashion product, and 3) economy: the marketing for generating income for the communities surrounding the factory was the most chosen accounted for 83.33%, followed by giving to the benefactor of the factory accounted for 8.33% and production for use in the factory or donated for public benefit accounted for 8.33 percent.

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How to Cite
arrayapharnon, ptave. (2022). Product Design from Factory’s Waste in the Central Region by Upcycle Concept: Case Study the Government Inspectorate Area 2. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 35(2), 179–195. retrieved from
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