Transformation Process of Local Study by the Youths for Engaging in Urban Development

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umpiga shummadtayar
Pranom Tansukanun
Sant Suwatcharapinun
Chiranthanin Kitika
Ajirapa Pradit


This paper focuses on the transformation process of local study by youths, the active citizens participating in city development in the future. It aims to result the formation of processes and new local study prototypes in an integrated education system and upgrading Chiang Mai learning city from youth participation and cooperation mechanism for urban development through lifelong learning by collecting city data and resources as Chiang Mai local studies. The lesson learned result performed the key issues of transforming learning city integration for youths which is affected urban development such as; (1) the diverse communication and easy accessibility, (2) prepared correctly lessons and appropriated for the age of learners, and (3) do not block everyone's learning opportunities through connecting the local information and city network, especially educational institutions under a potential platform. In sum, there will lead to upgrading Chiang Mai learning city from the youth participation process and the cooperation mechanism for urban development towards lifelong learning.

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How to Cite
shummadtayar, umpiga, Tansukanun , P., Suwatcharapinun , S. . ., Kitika , C. . ., & Pradit , A. . (2022). Transformation Process of Local Study by the Youths for Engaging in Urban Development. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 35(2), 90–108. Retrieved from
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