Design of Rangsit Prayunsak Canal’s Learning Space through the Design Thinking Process

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wigunda Seekong
Tanaphoom Wongbumru
Varakorn Saguansub
Prinya Maksirisuk


Rangsit Prayunsak Canal located in Thanyaburi District, Pathum Thani Province, which a history background more than 100 years. Rangsit Prayunsak Canal was a canal dug in the reign of King Rama V that presented the irrigation system, agricultural area development, settlements and lifestyles that have been changed continually from the past to the present. It was considered an area that plays an important role in economy, industry, housing, and various types of learning resources. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to 1) analyze the potential of the Rangsit Prayunsak Canal area to promote learning spaces and 2) to design learning spaces through participatory approach by a design thinking process in preparation for applying UNESCO learning city concept. The research method consisted of surveying the Rangsit Prayunsak Canal area; Rangsit Municipality, Bueng Yitho Municipality, Thanyaburi Subdistrict Municipality, and Sanan Rak Municipality through a design thinking process workshop with 50 network participants. The results revealed that the potential of the Rangsit Prayunsak Canal area was distinguish of history, while the former role of canal has been less importance. Also, people lifestyles affect the learning patterns and their accessibility. Therefore, the design stage, 10 prototypes for learning spaces from local authorities’ requirements, through the process of design thinking workshops of 4 municipalities, can be divided into 4 zones, namely 1) historical learning zone, 2) food and health learning zone, 3) recreational learning zone, and 4) nature and ecology learning zone. However, all activities within the zones must be linked to existing activities in order to create Rangsit Prayunsak Canal to complete learning space by local network and community member’s support. This would be driving towards the learning city principle of UNESCO.

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How to Cite
Seekong, wigunda, Wongbumru, T. ., Saguansub, V., & Maksirisuk, P. (2022). Design of Rangsit Prayunsak Canal’s Learning Space through the Design Thinking Process. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 35(2), 144–163. retrieved from
Research Articles


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