Levels of Satisfaction with the Active Learning Outcomes for Interior Design Project: Panya Wattana Building, National Institute for Child and Family Development

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Wirayut Kuisorn
Nam-oi Saihoo


The objective of this research was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of students and the satisfaction of agencies in external educational institutions with the project-based learning process for an interior design project. The research is a project-based learning to the assess the satisfaction of learning from the interior design project among the students and project users from National Institute for Child and Family Development by means of a series of questionnaire. And what content should be added to the study of interior architecture? The research assigned the students to the following: 1) survey the area, interviewed the preliminary needs of the staff, and investigated the possibility of renovating the building. 2) Present the design concept and ask for additional feedback from users, then use the information to design and present the design to users. 3) Make a construction drawing and list of drawings to make a bill of quantities (BOQ). 4) Assessment of satisfaction with learning from the performance of the questionnaire. The sample group in the research was 56 students in the field of Interior Architecture who was assigned to design and prepare the construction drawings, working with 4 advisors and 20 staff from the National Institute for Child and Family Development.

The results showed a level of satisfaction with the practical learning process in this design project of students and staff from the National Institute for Child and Family Development. The results also showed a high level of satisfaction with working together among students, advisors and staff from the National Institute for Child and Family Development. This project-based learning process allows students to learn in practice and gain experience working with others. And this project-based learning process can be adapted to teaching by students offering additional content on fieldwork, interview methods, data analysis based on priorities and suitability, cost estimation, and Presentation of work.

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How to Cite
Kuisorn, W., & Saihoo, N.- oi . (2022). Levels of Satisfaction with the Active Learning Outcomes for Interior Design Project: Panya Wattana Building, National Institute for Child and Family Development. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 35(2), 164–178. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/archkmitl/article/view/258876
Research Articles


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