Silver Jewelry Packaging Design of Silverware Cluster in Nan Province

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pattarakorn orkaew


This research aims to study silverware products in Nan Province, where there is a local wisdom silver jewelry, and to design the jewelry packaging. Then, the mechanical performance of the structure is tested and the satisfaction with the silver jewelry packaging is assessed by silverware Cluster. Collecting data from 10 entrepreneurs who are members of the group is a purposive sampling that uses an in-depth interview and 100 consumers who buy silver jewelry by simple random sampling. The results showed that the silver jewelry of Nan Province has passed on wisdom and production techniques from ancestors including with two sources ancient Nan silverware and hill tribe silverware. The highlight is silver with a high purity of 96-98 percent. Popular products include necklaces, earrings, and wrist gains. Most of the patterns are natural patterns, for example Plant pattern in Himmapan forest, Thep Phanom pattern and Twelve zodiac patterns. Entrepreneurs want to bring popular products to arrange sets for promotion. The design results showed that the structure of the packaging is made from paper as a box with a ridge on the side of the slide cover. Also, there is a lock inside the packaging. In addition, the structure has a display function to show products at the selling point. The graphics on the packaging use only black color that feels simple but luxury. The graphic background unfolds from Chompoo Phu Kha flowers. It represents the identity of Nan silver jewelry. When displaying the products, it will make the charm of silver jewelry stand out from the black background. Mechanical performance in vibration resistance and impact resistance test results showed that the paper box and the product did not damage. The satisfaction assessment results of the target group were satisfied with the silver jewelry packaging prototype is high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.25).

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How to Cite
orkaew, pattarakorn. (2023). Silver Jewelry Packaging Design of Silverware Cluster in Nan Province. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 36(1), 188–206. Retrieved from
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