The development of augmented reality media to promote historical and cultural secondary city tourism in the new normal: A case study of Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan temple

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Panisara Hadkhuntod


The objectives of this research were 1) develop the augmented reality media to promote historical and cultural secondary city tourism in the new normal:A case study of Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan temple in a real environment 2) compare the quality of media by three experts in content, technology, and language were obtained through purposive sampling. The research tool was an assessment form for the quality of media use the statistics used for data analysis were independent t-tests.

According to the research, augmented reality media can be used to draw tourists' attention. utilizing a different presentation technique in 3D format, appropriate for a new mode of transportation that eliminates the need for travel to the destination itself. Just being on a smartphone or computer can access tourist attractions. However, modeling was challenging requires many different programs and devices for taking pictures that have a high resolution. Expertise in operations and computing with high performance. Such media formats require a lot of time and money to produce. Using high-resolution images in 3D modeling can reduce the number of images in modeling. If the image has a high resolution, the model will have a high resolution and a large file size. In photography, the important factor is the light. Shoot in similar lighting conditions. Photographing large antiques should be angled 30 and 50 degrees to the center of the object to get a full view of the model. To increase the value of the media. There should be a famous monk's signature on the marker. The use of foreign language in communicating should use the narrative style more than the use of formal language. The media will become more realistic. Depending on the adjustment of the image resolution and the amount of light, the media in the creative universe environment can create newness in the form of tourism better. But there is a limitation that this format will require high internet speed. So it can be displayed well. Augmented reality media to promote historical and cultural secondary city tourism in the new normal: A case study of Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan temple on the real environment and metaverse. Developed with the ADDIE model 5 process of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The workpiece is divided into 8 pieces, consisting of Buddha Chinnarat Luang Pho To and the Ubosot, Luang Pho Khao, Luang Pho Kong, Phra Attharot, Phra Lue, and the Lord Buddha have reached nirvana in which each piece contains a video Shows a brief history of an ancient site or antiquities. Augmented Reality media in the real environment had more tools and complexity than in the imaginary universe. Overall, Augmented reality media in real environments It was of high quality where mean = 4.24 and Standard deviation = 0.54, and virtual reality media in The environment of metaverse was at the highest quality level, where mean = 4.42 and standard deviation = 0.49.

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How to Cite
Hadkhuntod, P. (2023). The development of augmented reality media to promote historical and cultural secondary city tourism in the new normal: A case study of Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan temple. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 36(1), 247–264. Retrieved from
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