The Development of Self-Preservation Value and Behaviour by Applying Systems Thinking, Value Clarification and Self-Empowerment to Junior High School Girls at Phetchaburi Province

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Prachit Sukhanan


The promotion of value and behavior on self-preservation or not to have sexual relation before marriage was brought to attention again in 2011 when World Health Organization raised this issue as one of four measures for preventing and solving the problem of pregnancy before 20 years old of teenagers all over the world. The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the sexual problem situation, causal factors, and guidelines for solving the relevant problems, 2) create and experiment on strategies for “developing self-preservation value and behavior of junior high school girls by applying systems thinking together with value clarification and self-empowerment”. And 3) evaluate the strategy applying research. The samples were selected by using simple random sampling and voluntary methods. The samples consisted of 2 groups: the key informants consisting of 100 junior high school girls from the largest secondary schools at Phetchaburi Province and 303 supplementary informants who were relation of the key informants. The research tools consisted of both quantitative and qualitative methods. The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics survey factor analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis, Pearson, s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and t-test. The research results were as follows: 1) The situation on pregnancy before 20 years old was the problem found increasingly and continuously at a severe level both at Phetchaburi Province, in Thailand and the world in overall, 2) The created strategy for solving the problem was the development of self-preservation value and behavior of junior high school girls by applying systems thinking together with value clarification and self-empowerment, which was designed for experimentation by improving knowledge and skills through active learning process consisting of 10 activities, and 3) After one-month strategy experimentation, it was found that the average score on self-preservation value of students in experiment group was higher than that existing before the experiment and higher than that of students in control group with statistical significance (p<0.05) The finding of the research showed that the curriculum design focusing on 10 active learning activities and 30-hour training were sufficient for increasing self-preservation value

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