Accessibility to Health Services for Disabled Persons in Klaeng District Rayong Province

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Yanee Siriphattarasophon


This research was a cross-sectional study that aimed at exploring and investigating the level of as well as determining factors that affect to the accessibility to health services by disabled persons in Klaeng District, Rayong Province. A respondent of 278 disabled persons with hearing impairment, mobility impairment, visual impairment, and multiple disabilities was taken by using stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected by interview form and analyzed through descriptive statistics including percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics including Chi-square test and multiple regression equations. The results revealed that the respondents had accessibility to health services in terms of health promotion, disease prevention, medical treatment, and performance rehabilitation (88.8%). Overall satisfaction with health services was at a high level. Furthermore, the perceptions on health services provided for disabled persons, overall social support through family, caregivers, community/ society, medical personnel, public health officers and public and private agencies were also at a high level. Gender, perception on health services provided for disabled persons, health promotion, disease prevention and performance rehabilitation were factors related to accessibility to health services of disabled persons, as the predicting factors. The results of this study suggests that agencies related to health services for disabled persons in Klaeng District, Rayong Province should encourage disabled persons’ perception on health services provided, especially, medical services and performance rehabilitation. Economic and social assistance should be promoted to assist disabled persons to access and receive quality and thorough health services. 

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