Factors influencing the Use of Digital Technology by Secondhand and Bric-abrac Buyers in Bangkok and Surrounding Provinces.

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Patinya Boonpadung


In this day and age, people have become more dependent on the use of technology in everyday activities. Many studies have been conducted to investigate factors influencing the use of digital technology buying brand new products or services. However, there have not been many studies on factors influencing the use of digital technology for buying secondhand items. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors influencing the use of digital technology among secondhand and bric-a-brac buyers in Bangkok and surrounding provinces. Cochran (1977) sampling technique was utilized to calculate the sample size due to unknown population. Four hundred and twenty-five individuals were surveyed at six largest flea markets in Bangkok and surrounding provinces through convenience random sampling method. Moreover, twenty in-depth interviews were also conducted to capture additional information. A research model was developed based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) integrated with Perceived Risk concept. Proposed relationships between adoption of digital technology and fifteen independent variables were tested using Multiple Regression Analysis. The empirical evidence demonstrates that “Competitive Price” and “Ability to Search for Products Easily” were found to have significant positive relationship with adoption of digital technology while “Delivery Risk” and “Refund/Return Policy Risk” were found to have significant negative relationship. This research provides useful solution to an improvement of digital technology usage among secondhand and bric-a-brac buyers which compliments sustainable and economic development in Thailand.

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