Influences of Socio-Economic Factors Affecting to Population Dynamics in Thung Rangsit Area, Pathum Thani.

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Supatcha Uttayanin
Alongkorn Intaraksa
Kittichai Duangmal


The objectives of this research were to study demographic structure change and to determine the relationship between socio-economic factors and demographic structure change in order to determine the influence of socio-economic factors on demographic structure change which covered 2 community in the Thung Rangsit area, Pathum Thani Province including Khlong Nueng Community, Khlong Luang and Bueng Cham O Community, Nong Suea District. The statistical of demographic structure change was analyzed in during 1996-2016 and correlation coefficient analysis with a statistical significance level of 0.01 and 0.05. Data were collected through an interview with 742 samples. The results of this study indicated that for two areas of study, socio-economic factors influenced on difference in demographic structure change. For Khlong Nueng Community, socio-economic factors were related to demographic structure change with a statistical significance. The influence of social factors was higher than economic factors, leading to fast demographic structure change. For Bueng Cham O Community, only economic factors influenced demographic structure change with a statistical significance, resulting in slowly demographic structure change.

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