The Network Development for Learning Management on History using the 1S2C Process of Schools Under The Prachuapkhirikhan Educational Service Area Office 1

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Kajornsak Sonpae
Kanchana Boonsong
Prirath Maneechote


The development of history teacher network can solve the problems of teaching history in the past using reading and reciting method, resulting in students having no chance to be trained on historical process and to be developed on historical analytical thinking skill. The researcher was, therefore, interested in doing this study aiming to develop: 1) history learning management network applying 1S2C process, and 2) history learning outcome applying history learning activities using 1S2C process of schools under Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Education Service Office Area 1. There were 5 steps in this study as follows: 1) studying concepts on development of history learning management network applying 1S2C process, 2) developing the research tools and finding out their quality, 3) developing history learning management network applying 1S2C process, 4) mobilizing the history learning management network applying 1S2C process, and 5) knowledge sharing among schools in the network. The target group consisted of 8 school administrators, 8 teachers, and 249 students. The research tools were: 1) the innovation and 2) the two tools for data collection consisting. The quantitative data were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation, and the qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis. The research results were as follows: The results of history learning management network development applying 1S2C process of schools under Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were that, in the establishment of history learning management network applying 1S2C process, the network was a situational one, and the mechanism for network mobilization consisted of: 1. Director of Primary Educational Service Area Office , 2. supervisors, 3. school administrators, and 4. history teachers, and that the network teacher development revealed that the teachers could organize 1S2C activities applying 5 steps of historical technique as follows: 1. Preparing questions, 2. Sourcing: S, 3. Corroboration: C, 4. Contextualizing: C, and 5. Concluding and presenting. The results of history learning outcome development by using history learning activities applying 1S2C in schools under Prachuapkhirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were that the students had got history analytical thinking skill in overall at a high level. When each aspect was considered, after having attended all history learning activities applying 1S2C, the students had got history analytical thinking skill at a high level (X = 4.19, S.D. = 0.07) and could collect historical evidence by themselves, resulting in a new body of knowledge, pride, and awareness on the value of local historical resources. The research finding revealed that the development of history learning management network applying 1S2C process could help the students have opportunity in developing history analytical thinking skill by using local history learning resources near their schools. Therefore, school administrators should continuously promote the history learning management network applying 1S2C process.

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