Strategic Management Model of Demonstration School Autonomous University to Support Policy Thailand 4.0

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Vichian Hunsanimitkul


The demonstration schools under government universities were established with special goals which are different from other general schools. Apart from aiming to serve as educational academic centers, they also have a duty to produce students with high capabilities for the country. In order to adjust themselves to be consistent with the government’s Thailand 4.0 policy, demonstration schools need to have a proper strategic management model. The objectives of this research were to: 1) analyze factors of strategic management for demonstration schools under government universities in response to the Thailand 4.0 policy; and 2) develop a strategic management model for these schools in response to the Thailand 4.0 policy. This research employed quantitative and qualitative research methods. For the quantitative research part, the sample consisted of 450 teachers from 25 university demonstration schools who were working in the academic year 2018. They were selected by stratified sampling. The sample size was determined based on 20 times the observed variables. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with second order confirmatory factor analysis. For the qualitative research component, SWOT analysis was conducted with five executives from each of the 25 university demonstration schools, making a total number of 125 respondents. The SWOT analysis was performed with the aim to synthesize a strategic management model for these schools in response to the Thailand 4.0 policy. The research findings showed that: 1) the factors of strategic management of the university demonstration schools in response to the Thailand 4.0 policy conformed with the empirical data and consisted of 5 main aspects including direction determination, organizational and environmental evaluation, strategy determination, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control; and 2) a strategic management model for these schools in response to the Thailand 4.0 policy consisted of the establishment of a school vision that emphasized producing students to be leading innovators of the country, the development and the use of active learning, and the utilization of free management systems based on an identity of the school. These research findings can be used to develop a model and determine guidelines for the strategic management of the demonstration schools under government universities to respond efficiently to the government’s Thailand 4.0 policy.

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