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อุ่นเอื้อ สิงห์คำ


Research on the Process and Effects of Buddhist Holistic Well-Being Promotion.The research objective was to study the process and Effects of Buddhist Holistic well-being promotion. The research questions set forth were how to promote Buddhist Holistic well-being and how the Process and Effects of Buddhist Holistic Well-Being Promotion effect to physical health, mind, society and spirit. The qualitative research was applied by utilizing selected methods from the narrative of the experiences of the story of Buddha. The Data was collected by conducting unstructured interviews from the course participated at Sisa Asoke community between year 2007 to 2012. Data were collected by unstructured interviews. Synthesis data using descriptive analysis in Srisa Asoke detoxification course area. The results are summarized below.
1) The Process of Buddhist Holistic Well-Being Promotion, usually conduct for five days in order to learning theory and practicing of Buddhist holistic well-being by integrated with local wisdom acknowledgement and scientific knowledge. The course also emphasizing on how to be self-reliance and then be the anchors person. Dharma was the important factor on the Process of Buddhist Holistic Well-Being Promotion which made the spirit to release the desires; greed, anger and passion decreased respectively which known by their own. The result was “merit” came out by “distribution” which sacrificed to society.
2) The Process of Buddhist Holistic Well-Being Promotion could bring the people better health, good heart, sacrifice, charitable and brighten emotion resulted the power of helping others who were suffering to be healthy as well. Help to improve the social well-being as a whole of physical body, mental, society and spirit which relationships reinforced each other.

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