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ชัยวุฒิ วรพินธุ์


The objectives of this research approaches of mixed methodsresearch was applied by combining the quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was conducted by studying 535 samples, this sample derived from the Krejcie and Morgan’s table respondents comprising 60 mayors and 475 municipality personnelin 19 provinces in the central region and the samples were selected by multistage sampling. The tools used to collect data was four level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics usedtoanalyze dataincluded percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple RegressionAnalysis. The qualitative method was conducted by interviewing 15 key informants, selected purposively from the executives of the Ministry of Interior, Department of Local Administration. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1. The attribute of professional management competency of municipal clerk in overall was at high level while considering in details it was found that the highest level was the aspect of contingency problem solving, followed by force to change, wide and long visionary and results based management, respectively. 2. The levels of relationshipbetween attributes of the modern leadership with professional management competencies of Municipal Clerks as in overall was at a high level. The attributes of the modern leadership in the aspect of responsibility,emotional intelligence, network building, relationship management and communication skill toward competenciesmanagementhad significant relationshipat the level .01 and could explain the management competencies in overall at a 56.10 percent (R2 =0.561) 3. The comparison of the Mayors’ opinions and the opinions of municipality personnel toward the attributes of modernleadership and professional management competencies of the municipal clerks in overall was at high level. Formayors had a mean = 2.70 and personnel had a mean= 2.69, so the mayors and personal did not difference in the opinions.

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