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บริบูรณ์ ศรีมาชัย


The purpose of this research was to test and develop the Structural Equation Model of Factors Influencing Participative Behaviors in Community Activity.The sample consisted of 500 elders, 264 male and 236 female, in Jatujak District, Bangkok Metropolis, randomly selected by the stratified sampling. 11 sets of reliable and valid questionnaires were used to collect data. Their alpha coefficients ranged from 0.819 to 0.947. The structural equation model was tested and developed. The results were as follows: The developed structural equation model was well consistent with the empirical data by the goodness of fit indices of χ2 = 1492.25, df = 454, p = 0.000, χ2/df = 3.29, RMSEA = 0.068, SRMR = 0.075, NNFI = 0.97 and CFI = 0.98, statistically significant at χ=0.05. The findings were revealed that: 1) Participation in Community Activity was directly influenced by the highest effecting variable, Attitude to Community Activity followed by Perceived Strength Community. 2) Perceived Mental Health was directly influenced by the highest effecting variable, Optimism followed by Perceived Physical Health and Participation in Community Activity respectively. 3) Perceived Social Acceptance was directly influenced by the highest effecting variable, Participation in Community Activity followed by Perceived Mental Health. 4) Attitude to Community Activity was directly influenced by the highest effecting variable, Perceived Strength Community followed by Subjective Norms. 5) Perceived Self-Efficacy was directly influenced by the highest effecting variable, Family Supports followed by Beliefs. 6) Perceived Physical Health was directly influenced by the highest positive and effecting variable, Perceived Self-Efficacy followed by Optimism.

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