Factors Influencing Competitiveness of Frozen Seafood Industry in Thailand : Frozen Seafood Export Company

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สุรสิทธิ์ บุญชูนนท์


The researcher employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods. In carrying out the qualitative research phase of this investigation, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews
for the sake of collecting data required for framing a conceptual framework, formulating hypotheses and constructing a research model. In the case of the quantitative research phase of this inquiry, the researcher conducted empirical research through utilizing a questionnaire as a research instrument
to collect data from selected entrepreneurs. The subjects were administrators of 71 Thai frozen
seafood export companies. As a precaution in view of the small sample size used for analysis, the
researcher additionally conducted in-depth interviews in order to gather more capacious data to
support research findings. Finally, the researcher conducted focus group discussions to confirm the validity of the findings. Findings are as follows: (1) The factor of resources exhibited positive direct influence on
manufacturing competitive capability and indirect influence on competiveness via manufacturing
competitive capability, (2) The factor of process exhibited positive direct influence on competitiveness and indirect influence via manufacturing competitive capability, (3) The factor of the integration of new technologies exhibited positive direct influence on manufacturing competitive capability and indirect influence on competitiveness via manufacturing competitive capability, (4) Manufacturing competitive capability exhibited positive direct influence on competitiveness, and (5) Competitiveness exhibited negative direct influence on manufacturing competitive capability. Finally, the researcher also provides practical recommendations and issues that should be addressed in future research. To enhance the Thai competitiveness of frozen seafood export companies, these recommendations should be
conducted: human capital resource development, accounting and financial management, quality and quantity raw material adequately, product positioning in the market, focused on coordination in
organizations, quality assurance, and the dynamic capability.

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