The Path Analysis of Internal and External Environment for Community Enterprise to create a collaborative network to Thailand 4.0.

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Jakret Mettathamrong
Darika Sangpong
Chudchai Rattanaphunt


The purpose of this research were 1) to study components of the internal and external environment of community enterprise. 2) to study components of the creating a collaborative network and becoming to Thailand 4.0 of community enterprise and 3) study the influences of the internal and external environment to create a collaborative network to Thailand 4.0. The sample consisted of 400 community enterprise entrepreneurs in Sakhonnakon province. The research instrument was questionnaires and analyze data by PLS-SEM to measure the relationship of variables.

The results found 1) Result to study components of the internal environment of community enterprise consist: management, human resource management, evaluation, planning and participation and result to the external environment of community enterprise consist: economic, innovation and technology. 2) Result to study components of creation a collaborative network consist: social, interaction and operation network. The part of becoming to Thailand 4.0 consist: wealth, stability and sustainability and 3) Result to study the influences of the internal and external environment to create a collaborative network to Thailand 4.0 that reveal the reliability and validity of inner and outer path model. The influence analysis results are as follows: The internal environment has a direct and indirect influence to Thailand 4.0, The external environment has a direct influence to Thailand 4.0, and creating a collaborative network has both direct and indirect influence to Thailand 4.0.

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