Outcomes and Impacts of Oil Palm Research Projects in Thailand and Case sStudy

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Suwanna Praneetvatakul
กัมปนาท วิจิตรศรีกมล


Oil Palm research plays an important role in the development of the country. In order to manage the researches to maximize the benefit for the society, impact evaluation of research is crucial. This research aims to assess the impact of oil palm research projects in Thailand. The secondary data of 571 projects are obtained from the National Research Management System (NRMS) database during 2008-2017. Primary data of 251 questionnaires are gathered. The impacts of oil palm research projects are analyzed based on the economic analysis. Considering the oil palm research structure during 2008-2017, the total investment was 699 million Baht. The main outputs were machinery, technology and innovation (51%). There were 66 patent applications during the year 1992-2017. About 77% of total oil palm research projects were found to produce positive impacts to economy. The economic impact was mainly observed. The research evaluation of “Surat Thani 7, 8 and 9 oil palm seed varieties” during 2003-2017 was found to be worthwhile invested. The net present value of the project was about 117 million Baht in 2017. In conclusion, the research on oil palm has created a high economic impact. Relevant agencies should be seriously pushing the technology into the commercial use in the near future.

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