Emission Source Impact and Problem Solving and Management on PM 2.5 in the Northern part of Thailand.

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Kanidta Chairattanawan
Natphasuth Patthirasinsiri


The research aimed to study on the emission sources, impact and problem solving and management on PM 2.5 in the northern part of Thailand. The study was based on the secondary data analysis method. The 15 original research papers which were on the TCI, ISI level and government research report and articles. The results from all the research articles were carefully analyzed. The results showed that the source of PM 2.5 were firstly generated from outdoor burning.

And secondary was wildfire which was occurred in the country and neighboring countries. The impacts of PM 2.5 were in the economic  health and environment. The ways to solve all the problem above was in the short term were prevention and control such as  knowledge and informations  the problems and impact of PM 2.5  on economic, environment and health were quickly informed. Moreover, the government section should set and announce the standard and process to prevent control and solve the problem in the long term.

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Research Articles


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