The Mediating Effect of Innovation, Family Constitution, Business Networking on Entrepreneurship and Family Business Performance

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บุญชนิต วิงวอน
ดร.ธนกร น้อยทองเล็ก
ดร.มนตรี พิริยะกุล


The purpose of this research were (1) to study business environment, entrepreneurship,
innovation, family constitution, business networking and the family business performance (2) to study the mediating effect of innovation, family constitution, business networking on entrepreneurship and family business performance and (3) to analyze effect of business environment and entrepreneurship toward family business performance. It was mixed methodology research with sampling group of 500 family business entrepreneurs and received 412 responded questionnaires representing 82.40 percents from 8 provinces. The research tools were questionnaire and in-depth interview. The descriptive statistics was applied to analyze percentage, average, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, reliability, deviation and inferential statistics to analyze the effect of structural relationship with AMOS 7.0 program. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the applied variable measurement model was conformed with the theory by observed variables had solution values between .568-.987, with average variance value between .506-.879 and reliability value between .596-.998. The structural casual relationship model conformed with empirical data X 2 = 139.67, df = 119, X 2 / df = 1.18,
GFI = .942,CFI = .987, RMR= .035, RMSEA = .023 by family constitution had the highest value and followed by business performance, entrepreneurship, business environment business network and innovation. On the mediating effect of entrepreneurship and business performance revealed that family constitution had most effect toward business performance and followed by business networking. The innovation had no support on family business performance. However, there will be more competition in family business in the future. Entrepreneur ought to value the importance of creating innovation for cost reduction or in generating differentiation and value added on family business. The outcomes of both quantitative and qualitative research revealed the theoretical foundation, i.e. family constitution was the mediating factor of entrepreneurship toward the success of family business performance.

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