Competitive Strategy Development Based on Creative Economy for Thai Song Dam Locally Woven Cloth in Ratchaburi Province

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ดร. วรรณา โชคบรรดาลสุข
กุลยา อนุโลก
วรลักษณ์ ทองประยูร


This qualitative research aims to explore problems and obstacles in the management of Thai Song Dam locally woven cloth which embodies local wisdom and precious cultural heritage and
has been inherited from their ancestors by the following generations in Ratchaburi Province, to
investigate factors that influence the success of the management based on creative economy and to develop appropriate competitive strategies for it. Data were collected from 2012 to 2013 from
the women's weaving group at Ban Hua Khao Chin, Ratchaburi Province using in-depth interviews
with key informants and were analyzed using constructivism and holistic approaches. The results reveal these problems and obstacles in production: higher cost, fewer weavers, lower quality of cloth – below standard, fewer products made from the cloth, lack of identity,
insufficient skillful producers of processed cloth products, inadequacy of public relations, poor
product distribution and the lack of improvement in local production technology. Factors that
influence the success of the management include the transmission of weaving knowledge from
knowledgeable weavers to new generations, local wisdom innovation in cloth dying, relationship
of culture and Thai Song Dam locally woven cloth showcased in various ceremonies and good
organizational culture in using group process. Appropriate competitive strategies for the management of Thai Song Dam locally woven cloth are as follows: value creation by emphasizing that the cloth is hand-woven and based on local wisdom, inspiring love of their work in new weavers, continuing conservation, brand name identity creation for outstanding products, exclusive niche marketing for Thai Song Dam people, creating production and marketing networks, and being supported by governmental and educational sectors. 

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