An Application of Geo-information to Analyze Proper Pilgrimage Located at Sirindhamwararamphuprao Temple, UbonRatchathani Province

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จตุรงค์ สมอาจ
สาวิตรี รตโนภาส สุวรรณลี
ไพรัตน์ ศักดิ์พิสุทธิ์พงศ์


A pilgrimage is a Buddhism practice which tends to spend one’s life surrounded by proper natures and atmospheres. This study aimed to analyze proper pilgrimage located at Sirindhamwararamphuprao, UbonRatchathani province. There were 2 pilgrimage approaches for this study: the principles of pilgrimage practice and the interviews from 10 experiential pilgrim monks. The collected data were weighted and classified by Analytic Hierarchy Process–AHP as well as the overlay function towards a model construction of geographic information system. The findings revealed that the main polygon was highly showed by the principle of the practice on the average of 68, followed by wooden areas, temples at alfresco, frequency of pilgrimages, and animals’ food-hunting treks, on the average of 29, 15, 13, and 10 respectively. 32 percentages of physical factors as the secondary criteria were apparent through safety areas, land use, slopes, and road distances–on the average of 16, 7, and 4 respectively. The model construction of the pilgrimage could be divided into 4 levels: level 1) more appropriated by the deciduous forest nearby, rock out crop areas, and water sources as the food subsistence;
level 2) moderately appropriated by rock out crop area interspersed with deciduous forests in rather high terrains; level 3) less appropriated by high and steep mountainous terrains, main roads nearby,
and borders attached between the countries; and level 4) inappropriate by extremely high terrains, main roads nearby, Chong-meg community area, and inter-boundary areas attached.

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