นิเวศวิทยาป่าแห่งจิตวิญญาณ: ปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อการอนุรักษ์ทรัพยากรชีวภาพและระบบนิเวศป่าแห่งจิตวิญญาณของชนเผ่าบรู ในประเทศไทย

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ธันวา ใจเที่ยง
ดร.ธเรศ ศรีสถิตย์


The spiritual forests of the Bru ethnic group are significant natural spaces in northeastern Thailand because of their ecosystem diversity and biodiversity in native plant species. This research aims to study factors influencing the conservation ecosystems in the spiritual forests of indigenous people who call themselves “Bru” in Sakon Nakhon Province in the Northeast of Thailand. Using an integrated methodology in anthropology and forest ecology, it found that the spiritual forests of
the Bru were founded on the ecological knowledge and worldview that the spiritual world and the material are inseparable. According to the Bru traditional belief, the natural environment has spiritual meaning. The Bru regard spirits or gods residing in nature as guardians of their community and spaces. The respect and gratitude they show for the deities dwelling in the so-called sacred forested spaces is a factor that not only prevents the degradation of ecosystems but also enhances their conservation. Furthermore, the fact that the Bru have an unrestricted right to preserve their culture and transmit their knowledge is a crucial factor that promotes the sustainable management of biological resources. Such management benefits the Bru in return. It is the recognition of the benefits and the significance of the spiritual forests that motivates the Bru to conserve the forest ecosystems. 

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Research Articles


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